Updates to Budget Tracker and Retirement Calculator

Updates to Budget Tracker and Retirement Calculator

We have been busy improving our tools this holiday season:

Budget Tracker Updates:

Budget Tracker version 1.3.0 has been released!

1) Budget Screen gets a new Tools menu which includes a new "Rebuild From Defaults" feature. This resets categories based on configured category visibility and schedule.  If your budget screen is missing categories or doesn't look right you can run this to reset it so it matches how your categories are configured. This can happen if you view a Month/Year combo in the future and then change defaults.

Budget tracker rebuild


2) Ability to Copy a single transaction has been added.  On the account list transactions screen, select a row by checking the box in the first column, then hit the Copy button in the bar that shows up at the top of the table.  Any of the fields are editable at this point.

Copy transaction


Retirement Withdrawal Calculator gets Pension fields:

In our most popular calculator, the Retirement Withdrawal Calculator we added support for Annual Pension and Pension Start Year. For people who have a pension (or social security) coming the math shows it will allow you to increase your safe withdrawal rate since the pension provides ballast.

Retirement Calculator Pension fields

If you need to model more complex retirement scenarios, check out our Income Spending Simulator.



Happy holidays!
Wealth Meta Staff

The post Updates to Budget Tracker and Retirement Calculator is part of a series on personal finances and financial literacy published at Wealth Meta. This entry was posted in Announcements
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