Top 10 Tips to Budget Your Wedding

Top 10 Tips to Budget Your Wedding

Personal Finance, Budgeting



The Psychology of Money: Saving and Spending Habits

The Psychology of Money: Saving and Spending Habits

Lack of savings can be from a small income or because they simply don't know how to budget. No matter your income you need to understand the psychology of money in order to save and …

Financial Literacy, Budgeting

12 Ways to Save Money on a Tight Budget

12 Ways to Save Money on a Tight Budget

Are you living on a tight budget because of the squeeze from inflation? Is your credit card balance rising each month? It can be difficult to save with stagnant wages and rising prices. Here are …

Personal Finance, Budgeting

Popular Budgeting Apps and Pricing 2023

Popular Budgeting Apps and Pricing 2023

Here is a breakdown of popular budgeting apps and what they cost. There is a wide range of cost, features, and ease of use in the world of personal accounting software. The most expensive is …


T-Bills or a Boat - Which Will You Regret More?

T-Bills or a Boat - Which Will You Regret More?

Today we explore the age old question: is it better to buy T-bills or a boat? What pays more? What will we regret more? In the following lines I'll go into the details of these …

Personal Finance, Budgeting

Budgeting Myth vs Fact - You Wish You Knew

Budgeting Myth vs Fact - You Wish You Knew

Why is budgeting so easily avoided for some people? Some think they won't have money left over for any fun or entertainment. Others think they are too young to plan for retirement, it being so …


Planning for Home Maintenance

Planning for Home Maintenance

Here is a complete breakdown of all the costs that you will incur as a homeowner for a typical detached single family home. These include replacing the roof, painting the exterior, updating the plumbing, redoing …

Budgeting, Homes and Real Estate

12 Tips for First Time Car Buyers

12 Tips for First Time Car Buyers

Many first-time car buyers seek advice from more experienced buyers such as family members or friends. That can lead to mixed results… as not everyone has the same priorities or knowledge of cars.

Personal Finance, Budgeting

Budgeting for Coffee

Budgeting for Coffee

Just as a budget is allocated for food, clothes, and shoes, it is necessary to allocate a budget for coffee because coffee is a “must-have” in life, right?


Bank Statements - How and Why To Read Yours

Bank Statements - How and Why To Read Yours

Do you think banks are always 100% accurate when handling your money? With many thousands of clients and millions of transactions, the answer is they can’t possibly be perfect all the time. That is why …

Financial Literacy, Budgeting

Gross Income vs. Net Income

Gross Income vs. Net Income

There are two types of income - net and gross. One is what you negotiate, the other is what you can spend. It is important to know the difference between the two when planning your …

Financial Literacy, Budgeting

Social Security Colas: Everything You Wanted to Know

Social Security Colas: Everything You Wanted to Know

To combat the ill effects of inflation on people who are retired, a concept called ‘Cost of Living Adjustment’ (COLA) is used to help retirees keep up with rising costs. As a consumer, it is …

Personal Finance, Budgeting

How to Minimize Student Loans While in College

How to Minimize Student Loans While in College

Read this article for ways college students can minimize their loans while studying, or importantly build a debt reduction strategy starting in high school.

Personal Finance, Budgeting
